Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Why I am a Blogger Looser lately...

So, my blogging has been slow. And I have several phone calls I should return. I've been staying pretty quiet in general and thought maybe some of you might wonder why. Well, to be honest it's because I don't have a lot to say. Every time I get on to blog I feel all negative and like I just want to vent...and there is enough of that in the world with out me putting mine out there, too. This is really the biggest reason, but there is also the fact that yes, I am STILL pregnant. And I'm trying not to think about it. Now that my due date is actually here, though, I figure I owe my friends an update on things. Especially all of those who have called and left messages for me. I really feel blessed that I have people who care and want to know how I'm doing.

So, for the update on what you are all wondering about....

Today I am 40 weeks pregnant...for those who don't know these things, that means it is my "due date". Last week, I was in a weird, impatient place were I just wanted the baby OUT, and I talked to my midwife about induction. She checked and found that I was ready enough that we could do an induction with minimal drugs to get things going, then let my body take over so I could have as drug free of a birth as possible. I decided to think about it, but pulled all the stops on "natural" induction methods with herbs, walking, spicy curry, etc. On Thursday, I woke early to fairly regular contractions...they weren't intense, but they kept up for about 2 hours, so I had Chris call to notify my Sister in law, Miriam, who is one of my support people. She got her girls together to watch my kids for the day and they came over. About then, things slowed way down. I'd have a group of contractions then nothing...and I couldn't do anything to get them going again. Since then, I've had no signs of anything going on and I've swung back to this place where I'm all patient and she will come when she is ready....but I'm hoping it will be soon. I had an appointment today and we didn't even check if I had dilated more. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the chiropractor. I feel that she is not quite positioned correctly, or that I have alignment issues that is preventing birth from starting. The midwife thinks she is probably pretty close to position if she is out, but agrees that it is reasonable to think that If I get adjusted it will help her drop right into place and labor will start. So, maybe tomorrow night :)

I hope that helps you all be at ease for a bit. I will try to post here before we actually head in to the hospital. Or general protocol has been that we call our parents and let them spread the news to everyone else. So I will do my best to update here for everyone who would not be on my parent's call list.


rachel said...

Oh girl, I feel for ya. Hang in there. Way to go wanting to do it naturally. Hopefully labor starts SOON! I am thinking of you constantly and can't wait to hear.
Both you and Paula... it's a RACE! And I'm cheering you both on. :)


Paula said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your appt today will make labor start up quickly!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

Kirsten said...

Good luck, sorry to hear about your false alarm on Thursday. That is how it goes I guess, they have a mind of their own even in the womb. I am thinking about you and sending you loys of labor thoughts. Love ya!!!

charisse said...

So, one of those phone call returns is to me right? I was truly wondering if you were in the hospital already and not calling back. Yes, I do care and have been thinking of you lately, and have been checking the baby album everyday now. You do have friends who would LIKE to know when you go in labor so we can be excited as all your extended family too. We enjoyed getting together with you a month ago but I hope that we can find more time to see each other sooner. I would like to help out with a meal, but that means I DO have to see sooner than a month after baby born.:) Can that be arranged? Please let me know dear friend of mine.

Julee and Matt said...

Good luck and I hope that your little one decides since her due date is here, she can come. :) Keep us updated and we are all wishing you good luck. :)

Rebeca said...

The waiting is so hard! I pray she'll come soon and that all will go very well. Cant wait to hear the news! Rebeca