Heidi was induced just after noon on Friday May 23rd. Things progressed well and the baby was born at 5:10 PM. She was 8lbs 4oz, and 19 1/2 inches, right about the same size as her older sisters when they were born. Both mom and baby did great. Heidi did it all with no interventions at all besides the breaking of the water to get things started, no drugs, no needles, all natural.
More pictures can be seen here. http://www.setinteriors.net/katie/

CONGRATULATIONS you guys!! She is absolutely darling.
Way to go, Heidi, no drugs, no nothin! Amazing.
Yay! She's beautiful, and I'm so happy for you. I hope you enjoy holding a sweet little newborn again, and that the transition is smooth for all of you. And I hope I'll get to meet her sometime this summer!
CONGRATS!!!! She's adorable!! Way to go Heidi!!
Sounds like things went really well! I'm so glad! She is so cute! Enjoy her!
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