Katie had her 2 week checkup today and is "growing beautifully" according to Dr. H. She is now 9 lb, 6 oz (from 8lb, 8oz...there was a miss read when the did her original weight that was caught when she weighed 8, 6 at 6 hours old) She has been rather fussy, (something I didn't have to deal with much with my other two) so we went over how to deal with colic. He recommended "the Happiest Baby on the Block" which I've heard from other people is very good, too. I think I'll be going and getting it in the next day or two.
After we had finished weighing her and everything, I nursed her while waiting for the doctor and she fell asleep. She breifly woke up when he shined the light at her eyes (cooperative of her, eh?), and then when I put her clothes back on. She then got her first shot (vit. K cause we didn't get it done in the hospital), where she wrinkled her nose and let out one fuss, then back to sleep. Then, we went to get her 2 week PKU done...again, a grump face and single fuss, then back to sleep. lol. And here I was trying to tell the doctor that I have a baby that is kinda fussy.
I know everyone is looking for pictures...I have them on my camera, and as soon as I have 2 hands and my computer I will get them posted. (I can only get them onto the laptop from the camera and Chris took it to work). So...coming up
very soon...pics of Katie's first bath, a fishing trip with the girls, some cute outfits Katie was given, making brownies with Aimee and Betty, Dad feeds Katie, Our Celebration, and more.